Bulk IP Lookup

Enter up to 20 IPs (Each IP must be on separate line)


Your IP City Region Country Country Code ISP Latitude Longitude

Try New IP

Bulk IP Lookup: Efficiently Geolocate Multiple IPs

Looking to analyze multiple IP addresses simultaneously? This Bulk IP Lookup tool offers a fast, efficient way to understand IP data in depth. This free tool helps uncover the geographical locations, network providers, and other valuable insights associated with a list of IP addresses.

What Is Bulk IP Lookup?

Bulk IP Lookup is an online tool designed to handle large number of IP addresses efficiently. It allows users to query multiple IP addresses simultaneously, providing essential information such as geolocation, ISP details, regions and other details.

How SEOLiker's Bulk IP Lookup Tool Works

SEOLiker's Bulk IP Lookup tool makes quick work of analyzing multiple IP addresses. Here's how to use it:

Input IP Addresses: Paste or upload a list of IP addresses (up to 100 at a time) in the designated field on the tool's page.

Start Lookup: Click the "Lookup" button to initiate the process.

Results: The tool quickly analyzes the IPs and provides a detailed report, including:

  • City
  • Region
  • Country
  • ISP
  • Latitude and Longitude

Key Features of the Bulk IP Lookup Tool

  1. Batch Processing: Analyze up to 100 IP addresses in one go, saving significant time and effort.
  2. Detailed Reporting: Get comprehensive information about each IP address, not just basic location data.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Even beginners can navigate the tool effortlessly.
  4. Free to Use: Enjoy the features without any charges.

Use Cases for the Bulk IP Lookup Tool

This tool has diverse applications across industries:

  • Security & Fraud Prevention: Identify suspicious activities based on the geographical origin and network of suspicious IP addresses.
  • Marketing & Targeting: Segment audiences and fine-tune marketing campaigns based on user location data derived from IP addresses.
  • Website Analytics: Get deeper insights into web traffic patterns and website visitor demographics.
  • Network Troubleshooting: Understand network issues and performance based on IP locations and providers.


Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about Bulk ip lookup:

Q: Is Bulk ip lookup free to use?
A: Yes, Bulk ip lookup is completely free and unlimited without any registration required.

Q: Does the bulk IP lookup tool provide real-time information?
A: It depends on the provider. Bulk IP location lookup generally relies on existing databases that are updated periodically.

Q. Can I save or download the results?
A. Yes, Bulk IP Lookup provides an option to export results in CSV format for local storage or further processing.