Age Calculator

Enter the date in "DD/MM/YY" format and hit the "Calculate Age" button to get results.

Select Your Date of Birth

Age at Date:


Details Information
Your Age is:
Your Age in Month is:
Your Age in Week is:
Your Age in Days is:
Your Age in Hours is:
Your Age in Minutes is:
Your Age in Seconds is:

Online Age Calculator: Calculate Your Age from Date of Birth

No need to rely on guesswork or manually calculate your age. Find the exact age with the most accurate age calculator online. With our age calculator, you can figure out exactly how old you are. Simply select your date of birth and let our calculator do the rest.

Calculate your exact age with our free age calculator online and find out your age in years, months, days, hours and even in seconds. Try the most accurate age calculator online. It also lets you calculate the difference between two dates.

How to Use it?

To use the age calculator, simply enter your date of birth in the specified format and press the "Calculate" button. The age calculator will then display your current age in various units of time.

Age Calculation Formula

Simple Age Calculation Formula

There is a simple method to calculate age in years.

Age = Present year - Birth year

For example, if a person was born in 2000 and now it is 2023, then his age would be 23 years (2023 - 2000 = 23). Pretty Simple.

Exact Age Calculation Formula

To calculate the exact age, you can use the following formula.

Age in years = (current year - birth year) - ((current month, current day) < (birth month, birth day))

Age in months = (current month - birth month + 12) % 12

Age in days = (current day - birth day + 30) % 30

For example, if a person was born on January 15, 1990, and the current date is June 22, 2021.

Age in years = (2021 - 1990) - ((6,22) < (1,15)) = 31 - 0 = 31 years

Age in months = (6 - 1 + 12) % 12 = 5 months

Age in days = (22 - 15 + 30) % 30 = 7 days

Therefore, the person's age is 31 years, 5 months, and 7 days.

Benefits of using the Age Calculator

There are several benefits to using an age calculator.

  1. Convenience: You can quickly determine the age without manually performing the calculations.
  2. Accuracy: It uses accurate and reliable algorithms to calculate the exact age and ensures that the results are as accurate as possible.
  3. Time-saving: It saves a lot of time and effort.
  4. Easy to use: It is easy to use and requires minimal input.
  5. Age verification: It helps to confirm an individual's age, for example, by checking a job candidate's age.
  6. Age-related decision making: It can be used to make age-related decisions such as retirement, life insurance plans, and many more.
  7. Record: Keep records of employees, friends, and family members' ages which can be helpful for personal or official purposes.

Overall, the age calculator is a helpful tool that can save time, easy to use, and improves accuracy. It helps for various purposes, e.g., calculating your age to check your eligibility for a job, exams, and interviews.

What is the Chronological Age?

Chronological age is a person's age based on the number of years they have been alive, as opposed to their biological age or cognitive age. It is the most common way of defining age and is used for legal, social, medical and other purposes. For example, It is used to check a person's eligibility for certain benefits, such as retirement benefits or educational opportunities, voting, getting a driver's license, etc.

Our Chronological Age Calculator can help you calculate your chronological age accurately and easily. By knowing your chronological age, you can plan for the future and make important decisions based on your current age.

How old will I be on the date?

Future Age Calculator helps find how old someone or you will be on a given date. It works by taking the date of birth and adding the number of years, months, and days to the input date. The calculator will then return the user's age on a specified date. It is a helpful tool for those who want to plan ahead and see how old they will be in the future.

How old Am I today? (What is my Age Now)

"How old am i" or "What is my age now?" is a question that determines your current age. It is typically asked on a birthday or special occasion to find out how many years you have been alive. Our online tool can help you to get an accurate answer by entering your date of birth.

Check out our Anniversary Calculator.

How old will I be in 2050?

"How old will I be in 2050?" is a question that refers to determining your age in the future. The answer to this question can be provided by subtracting your birthdate from the date of 2050.

It's a simple calculation that could be done quickly with our future age calculator.

How old was I on X date?

This question is used to determine how old a person was on a specific date in the past. The answer depends on the person's birthdate and the date in question.

How many Days have I been alive (How many days old am i)?

The answer to this question will be based on the individual's birth to the present date. It can determine an individual's age in days, which can help track milestones or calculate certain time-based events.

How many weeks old am I?

This tool includes various time units, so it can answer all the questions like "How many weeks old am I?"

To get the answer, Subtract your birthdate from the current date to find the number of days between the two. Then, you can divide that number by 7, as there are 7 days in a week, to find the total number of weeks you have been alive. Remember that this method will only give you an approximate number of weeks, as the exact number of weeks in a certain period may differ due to leap years or other factors.

How many months old am I?

You need to know your month of birth and year to find out the answer. Then subtract the current month and year by your birth month and year.

You can use our online calculator to find out how many months old you are.

How many hours old am I?

You will need to know your birthdate and current date to determine how many hours old you are. Once you have that information, subtract your birthdate from the current date to find the number of days between the two. Then, you can multiply that number by 24, as there are 24 hours in a day, to find the total number of hours you have been alive.

How many seconds old am I?

If you want to know your age in seconds, then our calculator will help you to determine your age in seconds. Or Manually, you can do it By subtracting your birth date from the current date to find the number of days between the two. Then, you can multiply that number by 86400, as there are 86400 seconds in a day, to find the total number of seconds you have been alive.

What is the Age of the Oldest Person Ever?

The oldest person ever recorded was a French woman named Jeanne Calment, who lived to be 122 years and 164 days old. She was born on February 21, 1875, and died on August 4, 1997.